Join a network of Presence driven churches.
What does the Presence Driven Church Network offer?
CONNECT (platform, Connect with God, & training)
RELATIONSHIP (health, accountability, coaching, & covering)
RESOURCES (teaching, downloads, culture, government, church planting, & more)
What is the Connect platform?
Connect is a membership and discipleship platform that empowers your church to integrate members into your culture, community, and covering. The heart of Connect is to disciple each person into daily personal encounters by teaching them how they best connect with God.
→ The purpose of Connect is to simplify the membership process, but its true goal is discipleship.
The platform involves three simple steps—
Online Videos
• You upload your own videos walking future members through your vision, culture, and church life.
Online Assessments
• We provide assessments for your team to learn more about your members’ personal history, and for members to learn their spiritual gifts and how they best connect with God — this is how we disciple people through Connect.
One-on-One Appointment Scheduler
• Through the platform, members schedule an appointment with connectors at your church who will pray with them, provide a personalized daily encounter plan, and discuss how to get connected in your church.
* The Connect platform integrates with Planning Center to streamline your membership and serve team processes.
Our Connect team will provide training courses to teach you how to upload your own branding and videos into the platform, how to transition from your current/previous membership process, and will be available to answer your technical and practical questions along the way.
Connect with God is how we disciple people in daily encounters and spiritual growth.
There is only one way to God, and it’s through Jesus — but in Jesus, there are many ways to connect with God. When you learn how you best connect with God, you begin to encounter Him in ways you didn’t know. The Connect with God assessment will ask you simple questions to help you determine some of your top Connect with God ways and equip you in your daily encounters.
The Connect with God ways are packaged in a way that allows you to share videos, written content, and resources with your entire church as they are developed in connecting with God through each way.
Doing ministry alone was never in God’s heart. We want you to find authentic relationships with leaders like you.
How do we do this?
We help you connect and cultivate relationships with other PDN churches.
We connect you with Presence driven leaders to come minister at your church.
To have a healthy church and ministry team, we believe your family needs to be healthy. One of our values at PDN is health. We say, “leaders go first.” We remain healthy by prioritizing daily personal encounters with God, pursuing purity, putting family first, and protecting our sabbath so we can lead others in health. *(Matthew 6:33, Proverbs 3:5-8)*
How do we do this?
• We help develop healthy best practices so that you, your family, and your team can thrive.
• We provide accountability, through relationship, to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle in full time ministry.
We want to provide you with the relationships you need to have a great and lasting impact.
How do we do this?
• We prioritize monthly phone calls, emails, and zoom calls with you as a senior leader.
• We help facilitate ordination and apostolic covering for your church.
Our heart is to give away what God has given to us, as well as equip you with the tools you need to hear God and obey for your community.
How do we do this?
• We host you and your lead pastors at Pastors Impartation events & provide replay access to share with your teams.
• We provide a library of podcasts & recorded leadership teachings for you and your teams to access.
• We give recommendations on reading material & external resources.
We teach and train members on how to lead a presence driven church and exemplify what it looks like to steward the presence of God in every department (including, but not limited to — membership, kids, students, production, worship, creative, care, etc.) and in your community.
How do we do this?
• We provide practical downloadable resources, prayer, strategy, and structure for your teams.
• We connect you with the Housed Visions of Mercy Culture Church and assist in creating branches of our Housed Visions for your community to be a part of *(including, but not limited to — The Justice Reform, For Liberty & Justice, AXL Creative Co., Mercy Culture Spiritual Leadership School, & Distinct Business).*
A healthy church culture builds a strong organization. We will equip you to hear the Lord and establish healthy culture that starts with the senior leader and strengthens your leaders & teams.
How do we do this?
• We teach you how to identify and implement your vision, values, unique characteristics, and leadership standards.
• We help you create language that can best translate your vision and heart to those you are leading, all the way down to your first time guests.
The government model you choose will determine your church’s destiny. The Presence Driven Church Network will teach and train you on how to structure your church with biblical governmental order.
How do we do this?
• We will teach you how to set up an elder’s board and pursue apostolic covering.
How do we do this?
• We provide access to training, tools, and conversations that helped launch Mercy Culture Church.
What is my commitment?
1. Agree with the Presence Driven Church Network Statement of Faith
2. Commit to intentional relationship as we build presence driven churches together
3. Commit to sowing 1% of your annual church revenue – monthly, quarterly, or bi-yearly into the network to help build and launch other presence driven churches
How do I join?
Step 1. Fill out an application & pay $1,000 application fee.
Step 2. Watch videos explaining the vision, heart and culture of PDN.
Step 3. Schedule an appointment with our team for us to learn more about your needs and answer your questions.
Step 4. Sign “Acknowledgement of Beliefs” and “Commitment to PDN Acceptance” forms.
Step 5. Receive access to membership platform which includes the Connect platform, resources and next steps.
Hear how others have been impacted
Check out these testimonies from churches that have attended Pastors Impartation.